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You've Built.

Social Sweep handles everything – from identifying fake profiles to analyzing your website. We provide a comprehensive view of your online presence, all on a single platform.

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Secure Your Digital Presence Before It's Too Late.

Fake accounts and a weak website presence make it harder for potential customers to find and learn about the business. Social media marketing efforts on fake accounts won't reach real audiences, and an outdated website won't effectively showcase products or services. A poorly maintained website with outdated information or broken features can make the business seem unprofessional and unreliable.

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A poorly performing website can lead to a high bounce rate (visitors leaving quickly) and low conversion rates (visitors not taking desired actions like buying a product). We uncover what's working and what's not, giving you actionable insights to optimize your website for conversions and user experience.

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Social Media

Unmask fake followers and gain valuable insights. Our social media monitoring feature identifies inauthentic accounts, giving you a clear picture of your real audience and allowing you to tailor your social media strategy for genuine engagement.

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If potential customers can't find your website in search results, they can't do business with you. Let us identify technical SEO issues, analyze competitor strategies, and recommend keyword optimization that drives organic traffic.

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Our vulnerability checker scans your website for known security weaknesses, such as outdated software, misconfigurations, and malicious code. This helps you identify and fix potential security holes before attackers can exploit them.

Scams Protection

Fraud Detection

SEO Audit

Cyber Security

Keyword Analysis

Data Loss Prevention


Fake Profile Report

Scams Protection

Fraud Detection

SEO Audit

Cyber Security

Keyword Analysis

Data Loss Prevention


Fake Profile Report

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We Cover Everything -
From Profile to Platform.

From identifying and reporting fake profiles that damage your reputation to in-depth website analysis to optimize your online presence, we handle it all. Our comprehensive tool provides actionable insights so you can focus on what matters – running your business.


of users are unlikely to return if they had trouble accessing your website


the average cost of stealing a business record


of consumers reported negative reviews convincing them to avoid a business


of businesses leverage SEO for online marketing.


billion annual loss to business with weak security


people trust on an online information of business


million an average cost of data breach

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One Platform, Total Brand Control. Ready?

The Problem Is Spiraling Out of Control


Social Sweep Social Media Monitoring

Social Media Monitoring

Identify fake profiles

Social Sweep Vulnerability Checker

Vulnerability Checker

Identify Vulnerabilities

Social Sweep Web Insights

Online Reputation Management

Monitoring online brand reputation

Social Sweep Web Insights

Website Insights

Sentiment analysis

Social Sweep Web Insights

Website Analytics

Identifying negative sentiment